Missionary Training Program (Summer 2024)

Preparing for Mission
St. Francis Xavier

This program aims to provide a solid foundation and understanding of our faith, missionary work, living in a foreign environment, important life skills, and region-specific issues, while continuing the discernment process.

Courses will be taught by both lay and religious at an academic level equivalent to the intellectual rigor and workload of a graduate studies program.

The program features approximately 250 hours of class time, plus Mass, prayer, praise & worship, fellowship, and community service activities.

General Curriculum:

  • Missiology (study of missions)

  • Bible study

  • Catechism

  • Apologetics

  • Faith & life topics (young adult focus)

  • Called & Gifted charism discernment

  • Sowing the Seeds of Prayer (SSP) Ignatian prayer

  • Pastoral counseling

  • Catholic Social Teaching

  • Asian culture, social issues and politics

  • Foreign language

  • Mission-specific knowledge & security

  • Information technology

  • Sunday Mass & daily Mass

  • Liturgy of the Hours and Adoration

  • Weekly confession

  • Fellowship praise & worship

  • Social justice service outings


  • A 6-week summer formation program begins mid-summer for the Fall Year Program

The program will be partially hosted in the San Francisco Bay Area by the Western Dominican Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose.


        We leave for Hong Kong in the beginning of September 2024. 

The Life of St. Francis Xavier:

