10 Day Count Down to World Tour

Old Post- Got Too Busy Before Leaving to Post

Travel Countdown Update

Good afternoon everyone, 

We are officially 10 days away from our 3 month trip around the world, followed by a 3 month mission with the St. Francis Xavier Lay Missionary Society in Hong Kong. 

We are in the process of packing up the house (realizing we have way too much stuff), selling half our things, and packing the other half away in storage. It has been a huge undertaking, but with the help of friends we are getting it done. 

Thank You

I wanted to thank everyone who came from our Espiritu, (our young and middle aged ministry+homeless ministry), and Men's Ministry to our Farewell Party at the Barn. It's been amazing building these communities over the last couple years and meeting so many practicing Catholics and Godly examples of the faith lived intentionally. We have been inspired not just by our ministries but also by the ministries and church engagement at Holy Spirit and around Sacramento. We will carry these examples in our hearts as we travel. 

I also wanted to thank our donors who have helped us get to a quarter of our goal of $12,000. If you are reading this, please consider donating to Christ's Great Commission of spreading the gospel to all nations: 

19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”(Matthew 28:19-20)

The Lord has called us to do something we never considered doing. We considered service work and volunteering, but missionary work is a whole other level. God placed in our hearts and we are cooperating with that call and we only ask that you consider donating to His cause and our call. If you can't support financially, please pray for us.

Holy Practices

Every year, Abby and I, through our pursuit of the truth and deeper communion with God discover practices that draw us there. I'd like to share two of those examples now so that maybe others will be inspired in similar ways that we have by the cloud of witnesses. 

1. Taking homily notes

"Therefore, we must attend all the more to what we have heard, so that we may not be carried away." - Hebrews 2:1

Bring your notebook and pen, or notes/docs app on your phone to mass and pull it out during the homily. One of the best things we can do to remember something, for it to really stick in our minds is to write it down. This is the psychology behind taking notes during the homily. 

It has a few benefits: it keeps you engaged in the mass by helping you to stay attentive to the message of the homily; it keeps your mind from wandering to other things (as a person with ADD I am especially prone to this and taking notes during the homily has kept me on focused); it also helps you better connect the readings to the gospel to daily life; and finally it can be reviewed later in the day or at adoration for reflection on how God is speaking to you.

This one practice has made a huge impact on our faith lives and how we encounter Christ during the mass.

2. Carry healthy snacks/water in your car to share with the poor

"Those who oppress the poor revile their Maker, but those who are kind to the needy honor him." - Proverbs 14:31

"Tell them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, ready to share.."- 
1 Timothy 6: 18

When you go grocery shopping next, spend $6 extra on a box of 10 nutrigrain and a 24 pack of waters or a bulk pack of personal wet wipes and ritz crackers. Then put them in your car, somewhere accessible- under the front seat or on the floor neatly on the passenger side, or behind either seat. It just needs to be accessible. 

"Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience..."- Colossians 3:12

Why does it need to be accessible? Because there are homeless and needy people all over this city and state who are in dire need of our compassion and love. They often don't have access to restrooms, showers, and laundry so they smell and look dirty. Many don't have vehicles or identification. They are used to being ignored and neglected. They are someones son or daughter, brother or sister, father or mother, relative or friend. They are a child of God, a brother or sister to you in Christ. We need more compassion and mercy in the world. This practice ensures that we are always ready when driving to offer this compassion. 

We Have Everything (or access to everything)

Jesus tells us the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves right? Do you remember the parable he tells and who the neighbor is? Our neighbor is the poor person who has been beat up with no money to their name, no resources; they have nothing. (When I see homeless now on street corners or outside stores, I often remind myself that I have everything and access to everything and they literally have nothing; and then I think- how can I share some of my everything with them).

I also think "They could recover from this; they are having the worst time of their lives". We can be a shining ray of light of Christ and give them money, food, drink, socks/clothing or something to clean themselves with. The idea here is to always be ready. Abby and I have found this to be very effective. We simply pull up to the red light or stop sign and ask the homeless person if they are hungry or thirsty and hand them a snack or water we bought in bulk from the store. They are always grateful. 

Try it out. It's easier than you think. You're making the world a better place, serving Christ and others.
